pdx-tec provides a convenient and secure medical records management system. The app serves Medical Patients and Doctors Offices by providing a quick and secure way to transfer medical records and results between the Patient and the Office during an appointment, eliminating the need to fill out forms.
pdx-tec Features:
- The app allows patients to fill in form information one time instead of every doctor visit.
- Standard information form accepted universally by medical facilities
- When entering an office the user sends information to the office staff which receives it using the app.
- Office gets the patient information and returns results to the patient.
- Data is secure - no one else sees the information, even if they also have the app.
- Transfer is only Point to Point.
- No internet required.
- The connection is temporary - only for the duration of the visit and can be disconnected at any time by the patient or the provider.
- First 10 transfers are free. 99 cents for each additional 10 transfers.
- Unlimited transfers available for $8.99.